Raj Chowdhury

Raj Chowdhury

About my lifestyle

 I spent my childhood snapping away on point-and-shoot cameras and making goofy videos with friends, so when I stumbled across YouTube during a summer in college, I couldn’t resist creating a channel. I found myself spending all of my spare time making videos.

By the time I graduated, my YouTube channel had grown, and blogging had started to become a “thing.” While the safe choice would have been to apply for traditional broadcasting jobs, I decided to roll the dice and see what I could accomplish as an online creator. I’ve never looked back.

Kolkata Vlog

1 comment:

"For the first time, I held my beloved's hand tightly"

 " For the first time , I held my beloved's hand tightly" I really wanted to spend my whole life like this 🙁 but due to the s...

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