Raj Chowdhury

Raj Chowdhury

The Art of Travel Films

 In his or her own way, almost every person in the world is a travel filmmaker.  When people find themselves in new places, they get out their camcorders and hit Record.  These videos, of course, are historically some of the most boring videos ever made.  That’s why when a professional travel filmmaker like Brandon Li turns his eye on a place, the result is so striking.  There is an art to making a great travel film, and we hoped Brandon could teach us what it is.

One of the things we appreciate most about Brandon is not just the fact that he’s an excellent filmmaker, but he’s a very thoughtful one too. When you talk to Brandon, it’s obvious he’s thought a lot about what he does and why. So in addition to the practical lessons Brandon shared above, another lesson we can take away is the value of contemplating your craft. Understanding why you do the things you do. The value of thoughtfulness itself.

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